What We Do

Initial Meeting The first stage is to have an initial meeting to let the Client put across their ideas, intentions and hopes for their project. We do not charge for initial meetings. We can then advise you, based on the initial ideas, if they are possible, what approvals you will need and what costs will be involved. Once we agree our appointment we are then in a position to move on to the next stage.

Brief & Initial Designs The next stage is to prepare a ‘brief’ stating the needs of the Client. We will then interpret your needs, after surveying the property or site, and create initial designs for discussion. This is where the lengthy training of architects can be truly appreciated. “Building Consultants” and “Architectural Designers” will not have the training and professional backing to interpret the complex needs of many projects. An architect can lift your project out of the ordinary. Anyone can alter a building; it takes an expert to do it with flair, imagination and style.

Statutory Approvals Once the initial designs are agreed these are then developed into formal applications for planning, listed building or conservation area consents as needed. We will deal with all the administration and negotiations needed. Building Warrant applications will in most cases be prepared after this stage. This includes working drawings and basic specifications for the application. 

Detailed Design & Tenders We would now prepare more detailed drawings and specification so contractors can accurately price for the work involved. We will advise you on the suitable building contract to use and prepare tenders to contractors for you as well as advise on the appointment of the contractor.

Construction Work Work on site can be inspected by us to monitor standard of work, progress and specification. We will administer the contract which allows costs, disputes and changes to be dealt with simpler. Payments under contracts are much simplified and allow the client much more protection and ultimately peace of mind.

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